人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 Unit 1 My day Part C story time 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,贵州省



年份:|2018|,版本:|部编|人教PEP|,学科:小学英语教学视频,年级:|五年级|,赛事:,TAGS:,专题:,课件教案:PPT课件+教案 ,本课地址:https://www.tingkez.com/yingyu/xxyy/138236.html
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 Unit 1 My day Part C story time 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,贵州省F5E听课站-教学视频听课网,优质课,公开课视频听课网站!
Unit1 My day Part C story time  By Wang Dongmei  一、Teaching aims:  1.Master some new words in the story. 2.Master the meaning of the story.  3.Ss can share with each other and should be hard-working.  二、Teaching key and difficult points: 1. Master the new words. 2. Act out the story.  三、Teaching tools:PPT/pictures  四、Teaching Procedures: Step1 warming-up 1. Greetings 2. Enjoy a song  3. Free talk: What do you usually do on the weekend?  Step2 presentation  1. Today, I will share a story with you. The story is about Zip and Zoom. Do you want to know?  Ok. Let’s have a look.  2. Play the flash at first and then there is a question.:“ How’s Zip’s week?” . And then check the answer.  3. Show Ss pictures and let them answer some questions about what does Zip usually do.  1. )From Monday to Wednesday 2. ) on Thursday 3. ) on Friday  4. )on the weekend  4.Retell the story  Step3 Practice 1. Show time 2. Group work 3. Role play  4. Moral education: we should be hard-working.  Step 4 Homework  1.Read the story with emotions  2.Act the story out with your friends with proper intonation.    五、Blackboard design  Unit1 My day  Monday Tuesday collect nuts  Wednesday Thursday dry nuts Friday eat nuts Saturday watch TV  Sunday          have a show play the pipa    六、Teaching reflection:
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    上一篇: 人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 Unit 1 Story time 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,内蒙古

    下一篇:人教版(PEP)三起点四年级下册 Unit 3 Let’s talk B & Let’s learn B 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,黑龙江



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