
    课题:部编高中英语新世纪课标版高三上册 topic-related vocabulary study(话题词汇教学) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,河北省

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  • 执教/时长:38:17
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    部编高中英语新世纪课标版高三上册 topic-related vocabulary study(话题词汇教学) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,河北省
    一、教学内容分析  本节课要学习“conflicts and problems”矛盾与冲突话题有关的词汇,引导学生通过mind-map(思维导图)学习话题词汇,并掌握该方法。矛盾和冲突话题是高考要求的话题之一,大到国家层面,小到日常生活,矛盾无处不在,在2011年江苏高考中,也涉及到了该话题的作文考察,所以本节课以此话题为中心,学会相关词汇并了解其解决办法,也是很有必要的。  二、教学目标  知识目标:学会一些本话题相关词汇和词组,复习学过的部分重点词或词组。 技能目标:学会运用mind-map思维导图,汇总并学习词汇。  情感目标: “矛盾和冲突”不可避免,但我们可以积极应对,并从中学会乐观和感恩。  三、学习者特征分析  学生已经对本话题的词汇有一定的储备,如approach, solution, situation, have an effect等,但是比较零散,对思维导图的概念在英语词汇课堂上并没有学习过,所以这节课先布置了学生头脑风暴的任务,尝试用思维导图的形式,回顾并汇总相关词汇。  四、教学过程  Brainstorm(before class) share and present what they have collectedintroduce some new words and phrases summarize practice and consolidate  Step 1 Lead in  Introduce the topic and the process of the class to the students in order to arouse students’ interest and get them involved in the class.  Meanwhile, show two samples of “Mind-maps” to them and emphasize the importance of the mind-map while learning vocabulary.  Step 2 Presentation  Ss share what they have brainstormed before the class within their groups and group leaders go to the blackboard and set down the words and phrases they have collected.  Purpose: learn to share and organize their ideas. Step 3 Introduce some new words and phrases  Ss are to learn some words and phrases related to each aspect of the topic “conflicts and problems” with the help of some latest events, such as Wang Baoqiang, Changzheng XI and so on. In the meantime, do some practice.  Purpose: students can be more interested in learning the language of English if they know what they have learned is the latest information in English.  Step 4 Summarize  List all the words and phrases the students have learnt in class and if necessary read for the students to follow.  Step 5 Consolidate  A situation is created for the students to consolidate what they have learnt in class. Students need to recall as many phrases and words related to the topic as possible. There is no need for them to write a passage or complete sentences.  After the discussion and contest, a sample writing will be shown to the students to read and appreciate.  Purpose: students consolidate what they have learnt in a situation, which will be useful and effective.  Step 6 Inspiration  With the help of the mind-map of the 19th CPC National Congress,  students are inspired to take advantage of the mind-map in many aspects of life.  Step 7 Assignment  1. Memorize all the words related to the topic, which has been listed  on the learning sheet.  2. Make a mind-map about the topic of describing a person. (refer to  Book 4 unit 1 and unit 2)  五、教学策略选择与信息技术融合的设计 教师活动 预设学生活动 设计意图  准备课前学案  头脑风暴  引导学生汇总整理学过的相关短语  PPT呈现话题及思维导图雏形  小组交流,投影仪呈现  引导学生分享  PPT呈现语言情境及授课词汇练习 个人活动,回答问题  引导学生思考记忆  PPT呈现本课所授词汇 跟读,齐读  总结本课内容  设置情境  学生两人活动  巩固所学  六、教学评价设计 学生自我评价表:  What words or phrases I have learnt in class: The words or phrases I don't know: What I want to learn:
    课例来自听课站手机网m.tingkez.com,网站收集了全国各地的优质课教学视频、说课视频、模拟上课等优秀视频,是您提升教学水平,参加赛课最好的学习网站。 您可以把听课站分享给你的同事,让更多人教师在听课站得到提升。本课部编高中英语新世纪课标版高三上册 topic-related vocabulary study(话题词汇教学) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,河北省为高中英语教学视频 其中的一课。


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