
    课题:部编高中英语外研版必修1 Module2 My New Teachers Writing:How to introduce a Person? 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,四川省

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  • 执教/时长:47:04
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    部编高中英语外研版必修1 Module2 My New Teachers Writing:How to introduce a Person? 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,四川省
    I. Teaching content: How to introduce a person?  II. Teaching aims:  1.Language knoweldge:   Introduce some ways to introduce a person. 2.Language skills:   Improve students’ skills of writing 3.Affection and attitudes:   Improve student’s connection with each other, to enhance their friendship.  III. Learning strategies:   Cooperative study and self-study  IV. Teaching Aids:   Multi-media  V. Teaching steps: Step I Lead-in  1.look at some pictures related to the hot TV series. 2.point out the special feature of these characters  Step II Warming up: Self-study  Read two passages on the handout and try to answer two questions.  1. Dear Sir,   How do you do? Through the ad, I know your company needs an engineer. I would like to have this job. Now let me introduce myself to you.    My name is Liu Ping, aged 27. Having graduated from Zhongshan University in 2001, I was sent  to Tokyo University .Through hard work for 4 years, I  achieved  extraordinary result in scientific research and received a doctor’s degree. A Japanese company tried hard to invite me with a good offer of salary,  but I refused it.  To  devote myself to our China, I came back this year without any hesitation.    I will appreciate it very much if you would give me the opportunity. Thank you for your consideration.  I am looking forward to your early reply.  Sincerely yours,  Liu Ping  2.  Our English Teacher - Bruce    Bruce, our English teacher, is from England and in his fifties. He is tall and  thin with a pair of glasses on his nose.   Bruce is a nice teacher. For one thing , he is strict with us in our study.  For  another, he prepares his lessons well and corrects our homework carefully. What’s more, his teaching style is quite different from that of the others. In class he always encourages us to think hard and develop our ability to study on  our  own. He often helps and cares for us. In his spare time, he often play with us.  We feel proud to have such a good teacher. We all love and respect him. 1. What makes a good piece of writing? 2. What can we write about a person?  Step III Words to describe a person  (Students will try to read, cooperate and compete to answer the questions) 时尚的 fashionable 热心肠的 warm-hearted 有毅力的 determined 勇敢的 brave 体贴的 considerate 杰出的 outstanding 乐观的 optimistic 悲观的 pessimistic 热情的 enthusiastic 心不在焉的 absent-minded 脾气不好的 bad-tempered 有天赋的 talented 随和的 easy-going 精力充沛 energetic 慷慨的 generous 帅气的 handsome 迷人的 charming 幽默的 humorous 勤奋的 diligent 谨慎的 cautious 健谈的 talkative 耐心的 patient Useful Expressions (1)Age  于1992年10月1日出生____________________ 一名18岁大学生______________________________ 在14岁时候________________________ 到30岁的时候______________________  在他60多岁时____________________________ 注意:尽量用非谓语/同位语结构,使文章简洁,通顺.   Born on _______ in _______, XXX , the______of_______, is a _______. (2) Appearance (巧用with结构或定语从句) 1>她是一个圆脸,大眼睛, 长发的可爱的女孩.  She is a lovely girl, with _____________________________________________ 2>他又瘦又高,戴着一副厚厚的眼镜 .  He is tall and thin,__________________________________________________ (3) Specialty & Hobbies be good at ... do well in… got the first place in… like/enjoy doing… be fond of … be interested in… be crazy about… be tired of… win the first prize in…  (4) Education  1>2002年我进入北京大学, 4年后毕业.  I _____________________________ Beijing University in 2002 and 4 years later I_________________________  2>我们学很多课程,包括…  We _____________________________________________   (5) Big events/achievements (尽量用复合句,倒装,非限制定句等润色文章) 1> Tom不仅对科学感兴趣,而且有音乐天赋。   Not only_______________________________ but also _____________________.  2> 孙杨创造了新的游泳世界记录,为国家作出了贡献。   SunYang,_________________________________,made a great contribution to China. (6) Evaluation(注意运用一些动词,形容词等短语/词组) 1>裴继升给我们作出了榜样, 大家都赞扬他。 Pei Jishen ______________________, so all the people _______________ him.  2>鲁迅是中国最伟大的小说家之一,并且将会作为杰出人物为人们所永远记住.  Lu Xun is one of the greatest novelists in China and will ________________ an outstanding man
    标签:Friendship 四川省 PPT
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