
    课题:部编高中英语外研版必修1Module4 Grammar and Usage(The Present Perfect Tense ) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,四川省

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  • 执教/时长:40:34
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    部编高中英语外研版必修1Module4 Grammar and Usage(The Present Perfect Tense ) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,四川省
    Teaching Aims  1. Learn and master the two main usages of the present perfect tense. 2. Enable the students to write a short passage by using the present perfect tense.  Teaching Key and difficult Points  In what ways can the students master the two main usages of the present perfect tense? Teaching methods: task-based approach Teaching aids: pictures and PPT Teaching procedures Step1: lead-in  Present the lyrics of an English song. Have You Ever  Have you ever loved somebody so much It makes you cry  Have you ever needed something so bad You can't sleep at night.  Have you ever tried to find the words But they don't come out right Have you ever, have you ever  Have you ever been in love so bad  You'd do anything to make them understand  Have you ever had someone steal your heart away You'd given anything to make them feel the same  Step2: Point out the structures of the present perfect tense. 一般疑问句: Have/Has+ Sb.+done...? 肯定句:have/has done  否定句:haven't/hasn't + done  特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ have/has+ Sb.+done...? Step3: Point out the definition.  用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,其结果的确和现在有联系。动作或状态发生在过去但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或状态。 Step4: Present the two main usages. 语法体验一:  Mother: Jack, do your homework please.   Jack: Mum, I have already done it.    What has just happened to him ?  He has just lost his job.  What has just happened to her ?  She has just got a love letter. Let’s conclude.  我们用现在完成时谈论发生在过去,但是对现在仍有影响的事情.already 常用于肯定句中;yet 常用于否定句或疑问句句尾;just 意为“刚刚”;ever 意为“曾经”;其反义词为 never. Activity 1:Fill in the blanks.  1. A: ______ your brother ___________ his project yet? (complete) B: Yes, he 's already completed it.  2. A: _______ you ever _______ to the park? ( be ) B: No, never.  3. I______ just ________ the chair. You can take it to your room. (mend ) 4. My father__________(give) up smoking. He doesn’t smoke now.  5. His sister_____________(go) the supermarket. She isn't at home now.  6. _______ they _________(call) on you lately ? 语法体验二:  Sam got sick two days ago.  Sam has been sick for two days.   Sherry got her driver’s license in 1999.  Sherry has had her driver’s license since 1999.  John started to play tennis in January.  John has played tennis since January.  Maggie moved to Paris in 1996.  Maggie has lived in Paris for 22 years. Let’s conclude.  我们用现在完成时谈论开始于过去,并且还持续到现在的事情(此处动词必须为延续性动词)。 for后接时间段; since后接时间点; He has stayed here since 5 hours ago. since+时间段+ago  She has taught English since she came here. since +一般过去时的句子  It has been 2 years since his grandpa died.  It has been时间段 + since +一般过去时的句子 Activity 2:Rewrite the sentences. I have a camera. I bought it in 2000. 1. (for+时间段)  __________________________________________________________ 2. (since+时间点)  __________________________________________________________ 3. (since+时间段+ago)  __________________________________________________________ 4. (since +一般过去时的句子)  __________________________________________________________ 5. (It has been + 时间段+ since +一般过去时的句子)  __________________________________________________________ Summary:  Activity 3:Translate the sentences into English. 1. 你曾经吃过鱼吗?  2. 我刚刚丢了我的语文书。 3. 我从来没去过那个公园。 4. 他已经吃过午饭了。  5. 你已经看过这部电影了吗? 6. 我哥哥还没回来。  7. 爸爸妈妈结婚已经38年了。  8. 自1992年以来他一直都住在这里。 9. 这本字典我已买了四年了。 10. 他离开中国已经7周了 。  Activity 4: Write a short passage by answering questions. 1.What's your name ?  2.How long have you been in Dongqi Bayi Middle School ? 3.How long have you studied English ?  4.How many English words have you learned so far ?   5.Have you ever visited another city and what's your feeling ?
    标签:四川省 PPT
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