
    课题:部编人教版九年级英语全一册Unit13 We're trying to save the earth!Section B 1a-1e获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,辽宁省

  • 所属栏目: 初中英语教学视频
  • 执教/时长:35:12
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  • 专题:【分单元整理】人教版初中九年级英语全一册教学视频
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    部编人教版九年级英语全一册Unit13 We're trying to save the earth!Section B 1a-1e获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,辽宁省
    Teaching design  Teacher’s information: Zhang yiming from No.8 Middle School in Chaoyang, Liaoning Province Teaching material: Go for it, Book 5 Teaching object: students in Grade 9  Title: Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Teaching period: Section B Period 1 Teaching objectives:  1. Language objectives: to grasp some new words such as recycle and napkin; to review the key structures such as when, while, non-finite verbs and verb phrases.  2. Ability objectives: to talk about the pollution and environmental protection; to encourage students speak out and communicate with each other in English; to cultivate students’ listening and speaking skills.  3. Emotional objectives: to make students focus on the environmental problems; to realize the importance of environmental protection; to take actions to save the earth. The analysis of students:  Students in Grade 9 who are going to graduate have certain language foundation, they can use simple sentences to express their ideas. However, they may forget some language points, and some of students can’t make a clear mind map of language points. As a result of that, students may have problems in speaking and listening freely. According to this period, the teacher designs some activities to help students recall the language points they have learned before, and make students talk about a certain topic(environmental protection) with the key structures they’ve learned. At the same time, the teacher guides students to pay attention to the environmental problems and find out some solutions to the serious problems. Teaching key and difficult points:  1. to grasp new words and review some key structures.  2. to come up with some problems or solutions on environmental protection. 3. to be brave to speak out and communicate with others with target language.  Teaching methods:Communicative Language Teaching; Cooperative Learning; Task-based Teaching  Teaching Equipment: multimedia and blackboard Teaching procedures: Leading-in:  Some students act a short play to show some behavior about environment in our daily lives. Purpose: according to the students’ performance, the teacher can lean in to the topic of this period---some small things we can do to help save the earth. Presentation  The teacher presents some small things students can do to save the earth in our daily lives, let students read these statements and pay more attention to the new words “recycle”, “napkin” and recall the usages of the key structures“when”and “while”. The teacher gives students some real examples to lead students to explain the new words and structures themselves.  Purpose: to guide students to grasp new words with real items can give students deep impressions of words; to help students review the key structure can help them do the oral practice. Practice    Teaching design Zhang Yiming   2  The teacher makes students list the small behavior that can help the environment, “which is easy to do? Which is hard...?” . According to talking about the questions, students can practice the dialogue with the target language.  e.g. A: Recycling paper is really easy.   B: I agree. But it’s hard to stop riding in cars.  Purpose: to make students use the key structures to make a dialogue and practice their speaking skills. Listening  1. Pre-listening.  The teacher leads students to search for other ways to save the earth in the listening part., make them read 1c, 1d and listen, then guess the general idea of the conversation.  Purpose: the teacher arouses students’ interests of finding out the answers, make students know what to listen to. 2. While-listening.  Students Listen to the audio material twice and finish 1c and 1d. Before they fill in the blanks, they are given some time to discuss their answers one another.  Purpose: after practicing the conversation, students can be familiar to the sentences in the listening part. For listening this part twice, they can catch the right answers more easily. Their listening skills should be cultivated. 3. Past-listening. (consolidation)  After talking about 1a, 1b and listening to what happened in 1c, 1d, students need to think about some other serious problems about environment and write down on the blackboard. One group, one sentence. Then the teacher shows a short video about serious pollution on the earth in order to make students know the emergency of environmental protection.  Purpose: to open students mind and practice oral English. Production  Students need to discuss how to solve the environmental problems, then choose one of two the topics to give a speech with their group members.  Purpose: to make the students use target language to say something about environmental protection, to practice more can make them more confident, and speak out English bravely. They can solve the problems around them by themselves. Summary  1. New words: recycle, napkin 2. Review the key structures  3. Talk about pollution and environmental protection  Purpose: to summarize this period. Homework  1. Write a short passage about “how to save the earth” or “How to protect the environment”. 2. Talk about what we must do for the environment with your friends.  Purpose: to cultivate students’ writing skills and think further about protecting the earth.
    标签:九年级英语 PPT 人教版九年级英语
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