
    课题:部编人教版九年级英语全一册Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.(Section A 3a-3c) 获奖课教

  • 所属栏目: 初中英语教学视频
  • 执教/时长:44:16
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  • 专题:【分单元整理】人教版初中九年级英语全一册教学视频
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    部编人教版九年级英语全一册Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.(Section A 3a-3c) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,陕西省
    英语九年级人教版Go for it  Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.  (Section A 3a-3c)  教学设计    Analysis of the teaching material:  This is a poem. According to the new standard curriculum, students can understand mom’s love and also describe their feelings with simple words and sentences to their parents. And they can also take part in some easy English activities such as role play. The unit is focused on the topic of mom’s care and love, which is close to students’ daily life. So it’s easy for teachers to organize class activities. By studying this unit, students will be able to understand their parents’ love and feel thankful and grateful for their parents . I will lead students to speak more and encourage them to find the way to solve problems independently, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of the unit.  Analysis of the students:   In Grade Nine, after a long period of the formal English learning, students are looking forward to expressing things around them in English, and also they have enough vocabulary to express their ideas. What’s more , they have a strong ability of imitation. So as an English teacher, we should provide more chances for students to practice English in real life and teach them some useful studying methods to help them to be successful language learners. Teaching aims:  Knowledge Objectives: 1)Students can read and use new words and phrases: tiny, cry, field, hug, regret, lift, teen, awful, poem, badly, talk back  2) express their feelings with new sentences: should be allowed to do, shouldn’t be allowed to do  3)Students will be able to write a similar poem: Dad knows best  Ability Objectives: 1)Students can improve their abilities of listening and speaking 2) Students can improve their ability of working in groups.  3) Students can improve their ability of discovering and solving problems   Moral Objectives: 1)The students can understand their moms’ love and feel thankful to their parents.. Type of lesson: Reading Class period: 40 minutes  Important points and difficult points: 1.To understand the poem Mom Knows Best.  2. To learn to care about mom, and write a love note to mom. 3. To write a similar poem: Dad knows best     2  Teaching methods: 1)Communicative approach   2)Task-based language teaching 3)The Audio-Lingual Method  Learning methods:1) Observation—Imitation—Practice methods   2) Make real situations and offer meaningful tasks for students and teach them how to communicate with others  Resources of teaching: Teacher’s book ; Students’ book ;ppt & chalk stickers  Teaching Procedures: Teaching Procedures  What T does in class  What Ss do in class  (T’s expectation)   Purpose of the design Step 1: Warming -up.  1.Greetings 2.Review 3.Ask students to enjoy a short video Mom’s song 1.Good morning boys and girls. I am your new teacher, you can call me Miss Qi. So nice to meet you everyone. Are you happy to have an English class with a new teacher? 2.Do you like watching TV, what about this TV series Tiger Mom. Do you have a tiger mom? Now let’s enjoy a song, later I have some questions for you.  3. So what does your mom always tell you to do?  1.  Students will response.  2. Students can understand my questions .And they will be glad to listen to the song and answer my questions. 3.Students can answer my question with  the language points they have learnt.  Students can focus on the new lesson quickly  by reviewing what they  have learnt. Also the song about mom can  motivate them and help  them  practice the language points they  have learnt. Thus we can have a better  relationship and  environment in the classroom.  Finally they can come  to the topic mom knows  best     3  Step 2.Presentation 1.What is a poem  2.Divide the poem  into three  paragraphs and  choose the main  idea for each  paragraphs .    1. The teacher shows the passage and tells  them that this is a  poem. Then the teacher  asks the students to  find the feathers of a  poem.  2.Listen to the tape  carefully and divide the poem into three paragraphs then choose the main idea for each paragraph .  1.They are able to find the feathers of a poem.  2.Most students are able to divide the poem into three paragraphs then choose the main  idea for each paragraph .  To make the students  understand the general idea on the poem, and  learn to know about mom more
    标签:九年级英语 人教版九年级英语
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