
    课题:部编人教版七年级英语下册Unit9 What does he look like?Section B 3a—3b Self check 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,甘肃省

  • 所属栏目: 初中英语教学视频
  • 执教/时长:40:24
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  • 文档下载:PPT课件+教案
  • 专题:【分单元整理】人教版初中七年级英语下册全册教学视频(2012版)
  • 课例简介:
    部编人教版七年级英语下册Unit9 What does he look like?Section B 3a—3b Self check 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,甘肃省
    Unit 9 What does he look like?  Time: May 10th, 2017  Place: Lanzhou No.14 Middle School Class: Class Four, Junior Grade Two Teacher: Wei Xiaojuan Type of lesson: Revision  Functions: Describe people’s looks Structures:   1. What questions:What does she/he look like? 2. Adjectives of description  Knowledge objective: 1. Review the words:  look like, short, curly, straight, height, thin, heavy, build… 2. Master and use:  What does she look like?  She is tall/short/of medium height. She is heavy/thin/of medium build. She has long/short/curly/straight hair. She is good-looking and outgoing. She wears a blue skirt.  She has big eyes. She doesn’t wear glasses. She likes swimming.  Ability objective:  The students will be able to use the structures He is…/He has…/He wears… to describe people’s looks.  Moral objective:   Don’t judge people by their looks! Difficult points:   Use the target language to describe others’ looks.  Teaching Aids:   1. Some pictures.   2. The blackboard. 3. A multi-media computer. Teaching procedures:   Step 1 Warming-up and lead in   Greet the students and divide them into two teams. Step 2 Language study   1. Vocabulary: look like, short, curly, straight, height, thin, heavy, build…  2. Sentence patterns:   What does she look like?  She is tall/short/of medium height. She is heavy/thin/of medium build. She has long/short/curly/straight hair. She is good-looking and outgoing. She wears a blue skirt.  She has big eyes. She doesn’t wear glasses. She likes swimming.   Step 3 Activity   Describe people’s looks in groups Step 4 Guessing game 1. Guess who he/she is.  2. Talk about Deng Yaping---- Don’t judge people by their looks! Step 5 Enjoy a poem. Step 6 Summary Step 7 Pair work  1. Watch a short movie and answer some questions. 2. Role-play the conversation. Step 8 Homework
    标签:七年级英语 PPT 人教版七年级英语
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