
    课题:部编外研版八年级英语下册Module5 Cartoons.Unit1 It’s time to watch a cartoon.Period 1获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,浙江省

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  • 执教/时长:42:20
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    部编外研版八年级英语下册Module5 Cartoons.Unit1 It’s time to watch a cartoon.Period 1获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,浙江省
    教学课题   Module 5 Cartoons  Unit 1 It’s time to watch a cartoon. Period 1  课型  Listening and  speaking   知 识 与 技 能 1. Key vocabulary: cartoon, handsome, smart, sky, fight, cool, hero,  humorous, can’t stop doing sth, laugh, lesson.  2. To be able to understand the conversation about the cartoon characters and identify specific information.  3. To briefly talk about one’s favourite cartoon character(s). 过 程与 方 法  Interactive approach  情感态度与价 值 观  1. To share your opinion with each other.  2. To know what qualities a hero should have and what lessons you learn from them.  重点 To understand the conversation and get the right information. 难 点  To talk about what you learn from your favourite cartoon character. 板书 设 计 Module 5 Cartoons  Unit 1 It’s time to watch a cartoon.  humorous That’s cool! Spiderman romantic (adj.) I don’t think we agree. SpongeBob  brave, The Pleasant Goats and the Grey Wolf smart… Detective Conan  handsome… Calabash Brothers  laugh (v.) Tom and Jerry end (v.) Superman  lesson (n.) Zootopia fight (v.) Kongfu Panda  sky (n) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs hero (n.) --- heroes can’t help doing sth 教学辅助 OHP , video  过程 教学内容  学生活动  教师活动  备注     Step 1 Warming-up 1.Enjoy a short movie about Zootopia.  2.Lead in the topic. Cartoons  It’s time to watch a cartoon.  Ss watch it  carefully and think about what kind of movie it is.  T plays the video and asks Ss what kind of movie it is about.  T leads in the topic naturally.      序号  过程 教学内容 学生活动 教师活动 备注    Step 2 Presentation and Practice  1.Check your memory.  2. Classify these ten cartoons.  3.Pair-work.  A: What’s your favourite cartoon? B: … A: Why? B:…  4.Introduce two pictures and describe them.  5. Listen and find out the answers,  6.Ask and Answer.  A: I like…I think he/she… B: No, I don’t think so. I like…because….  A:Hmm….I don’t think we agree.  7.Listen and answer the question.  Q: What cartoons are Tony  and Daming talking about?    8.Listen and finish the table.  Ss enjoys a lot of pictures and after that try to say out the cartoon names as many as possible  Ss try to say out what kind of cartoon it is.  Ss make a dialogue with their partner.  Ss look at these two pictures and say more details about these two cartoons.  Ss listen to the tape and finish A2  Ss make a dialogue with their partner with this pattern.  Ss listen carefully and take some notes.  Ss look through the words in the box at first and then listen to finish it.  T shows the pictures and after that asks Ss to say out the names and writes them down on the blackboard.  T gives some help and checks the answer.  T gives some help and writes down the new words on the blackboard.  T gives some help and write down the key words on the blackboard.  T plays the recording and checks the answer.  T gives some help.  T plays the recording and checks the answer.  T explains the words at first and then plays the tape. Then T checks the answer.
    标签:八年级英语 PPT 外研版八年级英语
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