
    课题:部编人教版七年级英语下册Unit7 It’s raining(Section A 1a-2c)获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,辽宁省

  • 所属栏目: 初中英语教学视频
  • 执教/时长:45:15
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  • 专题:【分单元整理】人教版初中七年级英语下册全册教学视频(2012版)
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    部编人教版七年级英语下册Unit7 It’s raining(Section A 1a-2c)获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,辽宁省
    Topic Unit 7 It’s raining (Section A 1a-2c) New Lesson Teacher Bai Xue from Fu shun No.22 Middle School  2017.5    Teaching Aims  一、Knowledge and ability: 1. Knowledge aims  Help the students master target words: rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather, cook Target expressions:  n.→ adj. snow→ snowy, rain→ rainy, cloud→ cloudy, sun→ sunny, snow→ snowy Target language:  A)Use the expressions of describing the weather B) Describe what people are doing now C)Key sentences  What’s the weather like in …? It’s … = How’s the weather in …?  2.Ability aims: Students can describe the weather and what people are doing.  Listening: Be able to listen and better understand the dialogues about weather. Speaking: Talk about and act to describe weather. Reading: Read the drills well.  Writing: Write a small composition with the help of the teacher. Process and methods  Process: 教师引导学生通过小组合作、自主探究的教学模式 Methods:情境教学法、游戏法、任务型活动法 Attitude and feeling sense of value  1. To help students know about weather and care for others. 2. To help the students cooperate and communicate with others. Important points Describe weather  Difficult points The structure of Present progressive tense Acting as a weather reporter Writing  Teaching aids Multi-media 、colorful chalk、hand-made phones and microphone  Teaching Procedures    Teaching Procedures Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Design purpose    Lead in  Warm up the class Greet teachers. Watch a video about weather  以天气的小视频为主题切入师生互动,通过学生熟悉的地点来导入天气的句型,引导学生自主学习。  Presentation    Help students learn the names of places and weather words  Master the words and expressions 通过探索世界地图的环节,激发学生学习兴趣,形成良好的课堂气氛  2016-2017学年度“一师一优课”活动教学设计      Presentation Step 1 Help students describe the weather Find the rules by themselves. Remember the rules.    引导学生通过自主观察发现学习技巧与方法,使学生记忆深刻。 Step 2  Help the students practice the words by playing a game  Listen to the teacher. Guess the words. Read aloud.    通过情境让学生了解并巩固新词,培养学生的猜词能力与分析能力。  Step 3  Play the recorder and help them finish listening practice.  Listen and do the tasks.  Check the answers.    使学生熟悉、掌握规范的英语语音、语调;进一步输入文本,熟悉目标语言    Practice  Step 1  Help the students practice in groups and have fun.  Practice the drills with their partner and in the group.    巩固所学知识,反复训练重点句型。  Step 2  Weather reporter Act as a weather reporter 在情境的表演环节中可以锻炼学生的实践经验与口语表达能力。 Step 3 Summary  Sum up the rules and remember. 通过学生自我发现与总结,使学习更有实效性。    Drills  Oral practice  Listening practice Share their expressions.  Listen and finish the tasks in 2a and 2b.  通过小组交流陈述自己的观点,训练学生思维与表达的统一。通过听力,练习重点语法内容。 PK game  Who is the lucky one?  Practice the drills in groups Exercise.(Student A/B/C/D)  通过PK大赛与抽奖环节,让学生在放松的状态中,通过让每个小组A/B/C/D四个学生共同完成小检测,去发散思维锻炼学生的知识运用能力。   Emotion communication Encourage the students to write a small composition. Help them write the composition and check in the class. 反馈整堂课的知识融合,通过描述一家人其乐融融的场景。使学生树立健康的价值取向。 The Design of the blackboard Unit7 It’s raining.(Section A)  Moscow rain-raining wind-windy How’s the weather in …? Toronto cloud-cloudy sun-sunny =What’s the weather like in …? It’s sunny.  Boston snow-snowing What’s she/ he doing? He/She is cooking.  Teaching after—word 1. 学生主动参与教师所设计的教学环节,体现主体地位是这节课的设计亮点,通过多样的教学活动,尤其是小组活动学生的能力得到了多方面的锻炼,并取得了非常好的效 果,也鼓励我在今后的教学中多在生活中找素材,开发教材的创新实践能力。 2. 天气句型的反复操练与现在进行时态的口头交际是为写作打下坚实基础。
    标签:七年级英语 PPT 人教版七年级英语
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