
    课题:部编人教版七年级英语下册Unit6 I’m watching TV.Section B 3a—3b Self check 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,四川省

  • 所属栏目: 初中英语教学视频
  • 执教/时长:39:22
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  • 专题:【分单元整理】人教版初中七年级英语下册全册教学视频(2012版)
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    部编人教版七年级英语下册Unit6 I’m watching TV.Section B 3a—3b Self check 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,四川省
    Profile of the class  1. The junior 1 students are about 13 years old, they only have some basic abilities of reading  and writing , so their abilities of using English need to be improved. 2. Most students rely on teachers to learn, so practicing their ability of self-learning and cooperating is important, too.    Teaching Aims  1. Knowledge aims (1)To comprehend how to talk about their favorite animals. (2)To master some key words and the way of writing. 2. Ability aims  (1) Be able to talk about animals using their own words. (2) Be able to write a short passage about animals. 3. Emotional aims  (1)To realize the importance of animals. (2)To be aware of protecting animals.  Teaching Materials and  Resources (1) This passage is taken from Book 2, Unit 5. (2) It mainly talks about some endangered animals.  (3) After learning, students will realize a lot of animals are in great danger now and a lot of things should be done to protect them.  (4) Besides the passage itself, multimedia, and the blackboard will be used, too. Important Points How to write a composition about animals based on what we learned.  Difficult Points Ways of talking about animals: importance, abilities, habits, figures, facts and solutions.  Teaching methods Task-based approach, communicative approach.  Skills Focus  1. Brainstorming.  2. Communication and cooperation. 3. Writing. 4. Talking.  All the skills can stimulate students’ learning enthusiasm, guide them to actively participate in the class, and thus develop their comprehensive language abilities.  Anticipated Problems In this lesson, most students may not know the figures of pandas and how to express the importance of pandas, thus I will show them some pictures and new words to wipe out their writing obstacles before writing.  Assessment  I firmly believe that the whole class will goes smoothly with the clear teaching aims. The various activities all enable students to improve their learning ability. However, if time is not limited, I shall give more time and opportunity for students to practice what they have learned in this class. Improving the students’ comprehensive language using ability is my ultimate goal.    2  Teaching procedure  Steps (Time)    Interaction  Teaching  Methods/Teacher’s  Activities  Students’ Activities Teaching Aids Teaching Purpose   Step 1 Greeting and revision (3 min)    Whole class work and individual work  1. Greet the students. 2. Review what have learned by asking four questions:  Q1: Why are elephants important in Thailand? Q2: What can the elephants do in Thailand? Q3: Why are the elephants in danger?  Q4: How can we save the elephants?  3. What are other animals in danger?  1. Greet the teacher. 2. Answer the questions.  The PPT and books. 1. To lead in the topic.  2. To review the passage in 2d.  Step 2 Practice(3a) (7 min)  Whole class work and individual work  1. Guessing game: Guess what kind animal it is: 1). It is from Africa. 2). It is beautiful and smart. 3). It eat trees and leaves. 4). It is tall and has long neck.  2. Fill in the blanks in 3a (a short passage about giraffes).  3. Talk about what information we can get from the passage. 1. Guess what the animal is. 2. Do 3a. 3. The passage talks about giraffe’s looks, age, country, place she lives in and “my” idea about her. The PPT and books. 1. To arouse  their learning interest.  2. To know some basic aspects of writing animals.   Step 3 Prewriting (8 min)  Individual work and group work  1. Brainstorming: what can we talk about our favorite animals?  2. Ask Ss to look at the words in the box in 3b, and think about what can we get about the panda Beibei from them?  3. Group work: talk about Beibei by using  Trough Independent Learning and Co-learning, students will:  1. Brainstorming. We can talk about: age, looks, country, ideas, places she lives in, importance, habits, abilities,  The PPT, the blackboard and books. 1. To wipe out writing obstacles. Especially the  ways of writing animals.  2. To practice the ability of independent    3  these words. 4. Ask one student to share. figures, facts...  2. We can get: name, age, country, idea  and where she lives in.  3. Talk about Beibei with group members. 4. Share a short passage about Beibei with others.  thinking and cooperating. 3. To train their ability of talking.  Step 4 While writing: (18 min)  Whole class work  1. Discuss: besides these basic information, what else can we talk about Beibei? 2. Write their compositions by themselves.  3. Group work: share their compositions in groups, to find out the advantages and disadvantages.  4. Ask two students to share their compositions and another two students to comment.  1. Brainstorming. We can talk about: habits: eating bamboos, climbing trees; looks: black and white, kind of fat; importance: Chinese national treasure, one symbol of the Olympic Games of 2008; figures and solutions. 2. Write the composition.  3. Share with group members to see if all details have been written down. 4. Two students share and two other students comment.  The PPT and exercise books.  1. Put theory into practice. To get more details about Beibei or pandas.  2. To train the ability of writing.  3. To evaluate the  compositions by  themselves.  Step 5 After writing: ( 3 min)  Whole class work  1. Talking: what we should pay attention when we write compositions.  2. Share one possible version with students and ask them to read together. 1. Answer: handwriting, main ideas, grammar, the structure, words, sentences patterns... 2. Read the model essay together.  The PPT To get the standards of composition.  Step 6 Homework and say goodbye (1 min)  Whole class work  1. Correct the mistakes and make the composition better. 2. Say goodbye to students.  1. Remember the homework.  2. Say goodbye to teacher.  The PPT To make their composition better.
    标签:七年级英语 PPT 四川省 人教版七年级英语
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