
    课题:部编外研版七年级英语上册M8 Unit1 I always like birthday parties 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,广西

  • 所属栏目: 初中英语教学视频
  • 执教/时长:45:22
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    部编外研版七年级英语上册M8 Unit1 I always like birthday parties 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,广西
    Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 1 I always like birthday parties  No. 14 Middle School of Nanning  1. Type of the lesson: Listening and speaking. 2. Analysis of the teaching material:   It is the first lesson of this module and it’s a listening and speaking lesson. The title of this lesson is about birthdays, it’s a popular subject for students. Birthdays are important for everyone. It is not only a personal activity, but also a cultural feature in every country. In this lesson, students will learn to invite other people to come to their home and have a birthday party. While the students are doing the activities, they are thinking about this question: How do children in the western countries celebrate their birthdays? And they will find out the differences between the countries. And when they communicate with their classmates, they will improve their abilities. 3. Analysis of the students:   The object of this lesson is the students of Grade 7. The passion and positivity of them are very high. They are lively, active and expressive. After the study of a half term, they can take part in the activities with the teacher’s help. And they love to do the team work. The subject of this lesson is about birthday, it has a close relationship with their daily life. They are interested in it. So when I design the teaching plan, I add many activities into it. I will make the situation for the students to listen and speak and will give them a lot of chances to express themselves. After they finish the tasks, their abilities will be improved. 4. Teaching aims:  Knowledge aims: 1) To master the new words and expressions. 2) To get to know the adverbs of frequency.   3) To understand the invitation expressed by “Would you like to …”. Ability aims: 1) To understand the description of birthday celebration.   2) To invite other people to your home to celebrate your birthday and  other festivals.  Moral aims: 1) To be able to communicate with the others.  2) To know the real meaning of “birthday”.  5. Key points: 1) Learn some new words and phrases about birthday parties.  2) Learn to use the adverbs of frequency.  3) To invite other people to your birthday party.  6. Difficult points: 1) To understand the conversations involving birthday in listening. 2) To talk about other people’s birthdays.  7. Teaching methods: Interactive approach, task-based approach. 8. Teaching aids: CAI    2  Teaching procedures  The teaching  steps The actions of the teacher The actions of the  students  I. Warming up: (Activity 1)  1. Ask the students to watch a video together and answer the question: When do we always sing this song? (Learn about the new words: “always” and “sing”.)  2. Ask the students: What do you get on your birthday? Let’s choose presents! (Learn about the new words: “great”, “present”, “cake”, “card” and “special”.)  3. Ask the students to open their books and look at the picture on Page 48 and answer the questions:  1) What can you see in the picture? 2) What do they do? (Learn about the new words: “party” and “happy”.)  1. The students will watch the video of the “Happy birthday” song together and read the new words with the teacher.  2. The students will choose a present on the screen. And they will learn and read the new words with the teacher.  3. The students will look at their books and answer the teacher’s questions. II. Listening: (Activity 2)  1. Ask the students to read the title of Activity 2 first and then play the recording for them. And ask them to number the words.  2. Ask the students to listen to the recording again and choose the best answers of these two questions:  1) What’s the name of Betty’s friend? 2) Does Betty’s friend often have a birthday party?  1. The students will read the title and listen to the record. And then they will number the words.  2. The students will read the questions and listen to the recording again to choose the best answers of the two questions.  III. Speaking: (Activity 3~7)  1. Ask the students to look at the sentences of Activity 3 and watch the video together. And then check the true sentences and correct the false ones.  2. Ask the students to read with the recording, sentence by sentence. Before  1. The students will watch the video and finish the task of Activity 3.  2. The students will read the recording,
    标签:七年级英语 PPT 外研版七年级英语
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