
    课题:部编人教版九年级英语全一册Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Section A(1a- 2c)获奖课教学视频+PPT课

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  • 执教/时长:40:54
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    部编人教版九年级英语全一册Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Section A(1a- 2c)获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,河南省
    2  课题 Unit 3:Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?  Section A (1a- 2c)  课型/课时  听说课 第一课时 学  习 目 标 确 定 的 依 据  1.课程标准相关内容及解读:   (1)听:能听懂相关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点;  能在听的过程中用适当方式做出反应; 能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息;  (2)说:能就简单的话题提供给信息,表达简单的观点和意见,参与讨论; 能有效地询问信息和请求帮助;能在口头表达中进行适当的自我修正;   能与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务;能根据话题进行情景对话;能用英语表演短剧;   能在以上活动中做到语音,语调自然,语气恰当。  2.教材分析:   本节课选自九年级英语课本《Go For It》 Unit 3, Section A,是一节听说课,主要围绕“如何礼貌地询问信息和指路”这一话题展开,深入探讨了如何有礼貌地询问信息和指路的不同方式以及在不同场合如何使用恰当的语言。该话题与学生生活密切相关,能够引起学生的共鸣,易于理解,且之前学生已经学习过类似句型,学习难度不大。因此本节课重在结合不同的语境,让学习练习如何礼貌地询问信息和指路,尤其是陈述语序的运用,并体味如何在不同场合下使用礼貌用语,教会学生以礼待人。  3.学情分析:   通过前期七八年级的英语学习,九年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语听说能力,词汇量较大;且学生已经接触过与本单元话题“礼貌的询问信息和指路”这一话题相关的知识,因此学生处理各项任务的难度不大。本节课重在培养学生如何正确运用宾语从句,恰当礼貌地询问信息并作出回答。  Learning goals  学习目标 1. Read and tell the new words and expressions fluently and correctly by reading and answering.  2. Get the key information about how to ask for information and give directions politely by listening to the material.  3. Ask for information and give directions politely in different situations with the target language through pair work and group work.  Important & difficult points 重、难点  1. Students are able to get the key information about how to ask for information and give directions politely by listening to the material.  2. Students are able to ask for information and give directions politely in different situations with the target language through pair work and group work..   3  Teaching methods 教学方法  Task –based language teaching method;  Guessing game; Pictures (ask and answer);   Classroom activities (pair-work, group work)  Learning methods 学习方法   Learn by using and for using; Cooperate;   Compare, analyze and summarize  Assessment Tasks 评价任务  1. Design “ask and answer, guessing game ” to check if students can read and tell the new words and expressions fluently and correctly;  2. Design “complete the conversation, number the directions, answer the questions” to check if  students can get the key information about how to ask for information and give directions politely by listening to the material;  3. Design “pair work, group work and self-check” to check if students can ask for information and give directions politely in different situations with the target language.  教学设计  学习活动  课堂评价  设计意图  学习环节  学习任务    评价方式    评价标准    Step One:  Leading in. (2 mins)    1. Show learning goals.   Show the learning goals and explain some difficult words.      1.出示学习目标; 2.师进一步解读学习目标(尤其是目标中的重难点词汇)。      出示学习目标,让学生了解本节课的学习任务,有目的地学习,也便于学生最后检测自己本节课是否达成了学习目标。  2. Leading in.   First show a picture in which there is a girl named Alexandra who is traveling in the USA.She wants to go to 46 Linden Street Riverdale, but she doesn't know the way now.What should she say to ask the way? Let students watch the video.After watching  结合视频和场景,让学生回顾以前所学的如何问路的句型,进一步引出本节课话题。  通过设置场景,提出问题,引发学生思考,不仅自然地导入了本节课话题, 也为接下来的学习做好铺垫。    4  the video, choose students to answer the question.The students may answer the question like this :Excuse me, officer. Can you help me? Can you tell me how to get to 46 Linden Street Riverdale?Tell the students to know how to ask the way politely.  Yes, there are other expressions to ask the way politely. Today we’ll learn Unit 3 to find more expressions.  Step Two:  Presentation  and practice. (10 mins) (目标一) 1. Present the new expressions and key structures.  (1). Show some pictures, and ask students to read and tell the expressions according to the pictures.   Eg: get some money get a dictionary get some information about the town …  (2). Match each thing with a place in the picture in 1a on page 17; (3). Two students ask for information and give directions politely with the key structures politely: ----Could you tell me where I can…? Do you know where I can…?   ---- Sure/ Yes. There is a … on…street. 2. Guessing game.  Show some pictures, and ask students to guess what people in the pictures will do in such places and how they can ask the way with the structure “Could you tell me where I can…?/ Do you know where I can…”  1. 学生根据图片和老师的描述,准确说出相应短语; 2. 在规定时间内(1分钟)把1a中的有关事件和对应的地点搭配起来; 3. 随机选取几位同学说出 他们搭配的结果,余生核对答案,订正错误,总结错因,并根据所犯 错误做出恰当的自评; 4. 评价方式:自我评价  5. 评价标准:  You can get A, if you make no mistakes; B, if you make 1-2 mistakes;  C, if you make more than 2 mistakes. Revision:  1.___________why:_______  2.___________why:_______  6. 根据图片,试着用关键 句型有礼貌的询问信息并作出回答,在此过程中,老师及时提醒并纠正学生表达中的错误,尤其是语序问题。 7. 通过guessing game,让 生结合语境练习如何礼貌地询问信息,进一步巩固关键句型。  1. 通过呈现图 片,让生尝试 说出相关短 语,并通过匹 配任务进一步巩固所学短语,为下面的对话做好铺垫; 2. 结合图片,设 置不同场景,让生尝试使用礼貌用语询问信息,在不断地练习和纠错中习得其用法,并通过guessing game进一步巩固关键句型,在轻松有趣的氛围中快乐学习。 3. 通过自我评 价,及时发现并纠正错误,分析错因,避免重犯类似错误。
    标签:九年级英语 PPT 人教版九年级英语
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