
    课题:部编牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit6 Birdwatching Comic strip & Welcome to the unit获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江苏省

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  • 执教/时长:42:06
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    部编牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit6 Birdwatching Comic strip & Welcome to the unit获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江苏省
    Unit 6 Birdwatching Comic strip & Welcome to the unit  Content: Comic strip & Welcome to the unit Learning aims: Knowledge objectives:   To learn different kinds of birds and their basic characteristics.  To talk about favourite birds.  Ability objectives:   To develop the abilities of listening, speaking, and reading.  Moral objectives:   To train team spirit through teamwork.   To strengthen the love to birds and the whole world.  Learning activities:  Activity One: Before birdwatching Step 1 Lead in  Step 2 Watch a video about Hobo and Eddie  1. Watch and answer  ① Where is Eddie going to watch birds tomorrow? ② Why does Eddie often go to the market? ③ Does he really like watching the birds? 2. Read the conversation 3. Work in pairs  ( Make the conversation longer and act it out )  Step 3 Learn some birds  1. Describe the birds 2. Read and remember 3. Play a guessing game Step 4 Know more birds  1. Share some pictures of birds in groups 2. Introduce some birds to others Step 5 Have a challenge  Choose and answer some questions about birds Step 6 Talk about favourite birds  1. Listen and answer  Activity sheet Rugao Junior Middle School By Wu Miao  Love birds, love the  earth!    ① What’s Simon’s favourite bird? ② Why does Simon think cranes are rare? 2. Work in pairs  (Talk about your favourite birds)  Model:  A: What is your favourite bird, … ? B: I like ... best.  A: What do … look like ? B: They are …. They have … What about you? A: I like … B: What do … look like?  A: They are/have … B: What do they eat?  A: … B: …  Activity Two: During birdwatching  Step 1 Enjoy some birds in Yancheng Nature Reserve ★What do you think of the birds there? Step 2 Watch a video about birds in danger Activity Three: After birdwatching Step 1 Work in groups  Further thinking: As a student, what can we do to protect birds? Step 2 Give some advice on how to protect birds Step 3 Promote the emotion  ★Birds are our friends. ★Loving birds is loving nature. ★Loving nature is loving the earth. ★Loving the earth is loving ourselves! Homework:   Make a poster to describe some birds and tell more people to protect them. Personal reflection:
    标签:八年级英语 PPT 译林版八年级英语
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