
    课题:部编人教版九年级英语全一册Unit5 I think that mooncakes are delicious.(3a--3c) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,黑龙江

  • 所属栏目: 初中英语教学视频
  • 执教/时长:40:11
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  • 文档下载:PPT课件+教案
  • 专题:【分单元整理】人教版初中九年级英语全一册教学视频
  • 课例简介:
    部编人教版九年级英语全一册Unit5 I think that mooncakes are delicious.(3a--3c) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,黑龙江
    Unit 5 I think that mooncakes are delicious. (3a--3c) 教学目标  1 New words and phrases : folk,goddess, whoever,steal ,lay out,dessert,garden, tradition  2 learn the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival 3 Retell the story of Hou Yi and Chang’e  教学重点:understand the meaning of the passage 教学难点:Retell the story of Hou Yi and Chang’e 学情分析  1 八年级学生已经具有一定的语言基础,但学生程度不一致,部分学生对难度较高的任务,完成有困难。  2 大部分学生课堂都能专心听讲,积极主动回答问题,但不分学生内向,回答问题声音较小,应多鼓励他们课堂勇语发言。  3 有较强的记忆和模仿能力,部分学生表现欲较强,课堂要为他们搭建运用语言的平台。 教学活动 Step 1 Lead-in  运用翻转课堂,课前搜集学生利用英语趣配音软件完成的有关中秋节的视频配音作业,挑选优秀作业进行播放,全体同学利用Pad 和 阅卷星系统进行投票,进行班级好声音评选活动。  2 Ask some questions using the small gift( mooncakes ) T: What’s this? Do you like it ? When do you enjoy it ? How do you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival? Step 2 Activity one (skimming)   Read 3a in groups , and choose some groups to show their reading. Learn the meaning of the passage . Using the mind map and pictures to understand the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival.   Activity two (scanning )   Read 3a for the second time, and discuss in groups. Answer some questions about the story of Hou Yi and Chang’e. Write down the keys words on the blackboard, and help students to retell the story. Encourage students to tell the story and role play the story . Homework : recite 3a
    标签:九年级英语 PPT 人教版九年级英语
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