
    课题:部编人教版九年级英语全一册Unit8 It must belong to Carla.section A 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省

  • 所属栏目: 初中英语教学视频
  • 执教/时长:41:41
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  • 专题:【分单元整理】人教版初中九年级英语全一册教学视频
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    部编人教版九年级英语全一册Unit8 It must belong to Carla.section A 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省
    教案  课题 Unit8 It must belong to Carla (section A)  年级 九年级  单位 瑞金四中 教师 杨莉红 教材 义务教育课程标准试验教科书人教版新目标英语(九年级全一册) 课型说明  新授课,听说课型 教 学 目 标 1. 知识目标:   掌握新单词及词组:   whose, valuable ,pink ,attend a concert,must be,can’t be,at the picnic,belong to,the rest of my friends,pick up  2. 能力目标:学生通过学习本课内容学会运用情态动词 must,can’t,might和could来推测物品的所属。  3. 情感目标:利用本课教学短期目标激励学生表演,增强学生学 习英语的兴趣,同时通过学习本课内容让学生能够形成乐于助人和拾金不昧的良好品质。  教学重难点  1.-Whose schoolbag is this? -It must be Linda’s schoolbag.  2.The hair band can’t belong to a boy.掌握和运用以上句型来表推测 教学方法 1.恰当运用多媒体辅助教学,运用了音频等有效素材。 2.充分调动学生的积极性,以学生为中心,开展各项英语教学活动。 课前准备  课题,图片,实物,多媒体课件 教学过程  教学意图  Step 1 Greeting  Step 2 Presentation  1.prepare a big schoolbag with many things before class.Then, tell students you picked up it and many students picked up a few things and gave them to you.  2.Next,ask students to guess whose things they are one by one as the following:  T:whose white hat is this?Who knows and tell me?  S1:It might be...  T:Does this white hat belong to you? S2:No,it must be... ...  Step3 Consolidation  1,show two students’ photos and a picture of glasses. Then ask students to guess whose glasses these are according to the feature of students’ pictures as the following: T:whose glasses are these?    拿出课前准备好的一个大书包,并且提前在里面装好若干实物,而这些东西和书包都是学生们的所属物。告诉学生老师昨天在来学校的路上捡到了一个大书包,并且几个学生在教室附近捡到了一些物品交给了我,现在我拿来问问大家是否知道是哪个同学的,若知道,请告知老师,我要把这些东西还回给本人。通过边从书包拿出实物边用上节课所学的以及参入本节课即将要学的知识来提问学生谁能告诉我这是谁的东西,学生们用情态动词进行推测物品的主人。这样让学生非常直观的复习和感知情态动词表推测的用法,同时让学生在一个非常亲近的情境中学习,可以更 Ss:They must belong to Li xi.Because she wears glasses.  2.Show some students’ photos and ask students to play a guessing game as the following: T:Who is he?  S1:It can’t be ...Because he doesn’t wear jeans. S2:It might be...Because they are tall. S3:It must be...  Step4 Listening (2a&2b)  1.At first, tell students the teacher picked up a  Schoolbag and returned it to the owner. And now my another two students Bob and Anna picked up a schoolbag too.  2.Then play the recording for the first time and hear whose schoolbag this is and write down The things in the schoolbag.  3.Check the answers.  4.Play the recording for the second time and fill in the blanks with modal verbs must,can’t,could,might.  5.Check the answers.  Step 5 Practice  1.Give students a few minutes and ask them to make their own conversations  2.Ask two or three groups to the front of classroom to perform their conversations.  Step 6 Role-play the conversation(2d)  1.Tell the students my student Linda is worried and she is looking for her schoolbag  2.Play the tape and ask students to hear what’s wrong with Linda and what she and her mother are talking about.  3.Play the tape again and ask students to read it after the tape  4.Ask students to retell the conversation  5.Give a few minutes to students to role-play the conversation  6.Ask some groups to show their practice.  好的理解并掌握这些词的运用,增强他们对新知识在实际生活中的应用,同时也通过这样的情境教育学生助人为乐和拾金不昧的良好品质。  课前拍了一些学生的照片并做成了课件。现在把他们展现给学生看并让他们进行 猜测游戏。通过展示身边同学的照片,带给学生视觉享受,大大增强了他们对英语的的兴趣以及进一步熟悉了本课知识目标的掌握和运用。  通过让学生表演展示的方式加深学生对新知识的学习理解及运用,并让学生在快乐中学习,激发学生学习英语知识的兴趣。  通过2d的听和朗读训练,引导学生自己发现规律,使他们能够自己对对话中含有情态动词表推测的句子以及一些短语和句型进行复述,让学生基本掌握情态动词表推测的知识运用。然后让学生进行对话角色练习并叫几组学生展现他们的表演,在快乐表演中进一步巩固学生们对新旧知识的运用。  Homework  1.Correct some students’ childhood photos and guess who they are 2.Correct some students’ things and guess whose things those are. Blackboard design:Unit8 It must belong to Carla(section A)  1.-Whose schoolbag is this? -It must be Linda’s schoolbag.  2.The hair band can’t belong to a boy
    标签:九年级英语 PPT 人教版九年级英语
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