
    课题:部编冀教版九年级英语全一册Unit7 Work for Peace.Lesson 42 Peace at Last 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,河北省

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  • 执教/时长:39:57
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    部编冀教版九年级英语全一册Unit7 Work for Peace.Lesson 42 Peace at Last 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,河北省
    Title  Lesson42 Peace at Last  Teaching aims  Knowledge  1. To learn words e.g. fight over / peacemaker, …  2. To learn about expressions about giving suggestions.  Ability  1. To learn about how to give suggestions about solve fight between friends.  Emotion  To realize the necessity of getting along well with your  friends and the ways of solving problems with your friends.  Project  Content  Aims  Teaching procedures Step1: Lead-in and warm up  Greetings T: I’m very happy to see you. I feel excited today. T: Look at the pictures, maybe they are..... Do you have good friends? But what’s wrong with them? ---------Ss :\ T: So sometimes we need the peacemaker.  Motivate the Ss and learn about some new words and expressions. Step2: Reading  1. Fast--reading ①Who was the peacemaker?   ②Did Danny fight with Steven at last?  2. Read and listen for the specific information  ① Read the first e-mail, complete the information sheet   about Danny’s Week. ②Listen to the second e-mail, complete the information sheet about Li Ming’s Day!    The big fight between Danny and Steven  How to solve the problem?  Steven didn't_______________, he__________the game. He _________his basketball, and it ________me. We____________yesterday. We____________________ and solved our problems.  If we can___________and ___________the problems together. The problems can  be solved.     Get to know more about the content and key information about the  lesson.  Students  can understand  better through reading, and listening.    Step3: Practice  Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases.      1.____________the kind- hearted couple, the homeless boy has a new family.  2. Tom! Go and see who is _______________the door. 3.We ________________to answer all questions yesterday. 4. I would like to ride a bicycle_____________drive a car      Deal with the  exercises and test the students’  mastery about the knowledge and make students  understnd the text better.  2.Team work. Give me some suggestions! ①T: I need your help!   Tom and Lucy are discussing one math question. They  can't agree with each other. They are angry with each  other.Now I am the peacemaker, give me some advice to  make peace between them.   ②Have a talk about your suggestions for me . Then one student takes a note on the card and gives a report )   3. How to get along well with your friends? ①Pair work: two students write the suggestions first then change it in the group.  Summarize the expressions about how to give suggestions.         Practice talking about how to get along with others and giving suggestions. Hold a meeting thanks to rather than knock peacemaker  ②Have a writing competition:   Different groups will show the suggestions , we will choose the best group that write the most suggestions.  Learn from each other.  Step4: progress : Send your wishes !  ①Students write down the sentences that you want to tell your friends .Then give it to your friends.  ②Students can read the sentences they have got.  Ending :  T: We grow up day by day, we should learn how to get along well with others.A good friend is like a mirror. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. I wish everyone can make more and more friends.    Emotion promotion.  Make students learn true friends are very  important.
    标签:九年级英语 PPT
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