
    课题:部编牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town.Grammar获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江苏省

  • 所属栏目: 初中英语教学视频
  • 执教/时长:42:21
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    部编牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town.Grammar获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江苏省
    教学目标  1. Grasp the rules of adding ’s;  2. Distinguish possessive adjectives from possessive pronouns; 3. Remember all the possessive adjectives and pronouns;  4. Express themselves by using possessive adjectives and pronouns correctly.  制定依据    教材分析  本课是7B Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town ( Grammar),主要是教授名词所有格,形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,并且介绍了名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法和区别。通过有关淮安建设文明城市的话题,感知名词所有格,名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法,并且进行综合性运用。  教学过程  教学环节 教师活动  学生活动 设计意图  While-task  Teaching procedures  Step 1 Lead-in  1. Watch a video.  Q: What is the video about? 2. Brainstorming.  T: Someone in Huai’an helps the old  cross the road and helps the visitor find the way. They are so helpful. What else should we be like?  T: I think we should be helpful and polite. We should keep the city clean and beautiful. Step 2 Presenting    Ss: It’s about Huai’an. Ss: Huai’an is biding  for the civilized city.    Ss: Be friendly…                      While-task  1. T: We can be polite and helpful to teachers, to the boy, to children and to the people around us. (Picture 1)  T: What festival is it? T: Whose festival is it?  T: What can we do on Teachers’ Day? T: This Teachers’ Day, I got some presents. I have a key ring and some  postcards. My students are very polite to me.  (Picture 2)  T: Look at the bike. Whose bike is it? The little boy’s bike is broken. T: What can we do?  (Picture 3) T: Look at the mother. Whose mother is she?  T: Tom’s mother is a teacher. She is ill now. What can we do?  T: Coco’s mother is a teacher, too. There are two mothers, Tom’s mother and Coco’s mother. We use “Tom’s and Coco’s”.  T: This woman has two daughters, Lily and Lucy. There is only one mother. We use “Lily and Lucy’s”. (Picture 4)  T: Tom, Coco, Lily and Lucy all have a special day. They are very happy on the first of June. What is it?    Ss: Teachers’ Day.  Ss: It’s teachers’. Ss: On Teachers’  Day, it is polite to …      Ss: It’s the little boy’s bike.  Ss: We can try to fix it  for him.    Ss: She is Tom’s mother.  Ss: We can …  Ss: …    Ss: Tom’s mother an d Coco’s mother are both teachers.    Ss: Lily and Lucy’s mother is a worker.      Ss: Children’s Da y.      由旧句型扩展到新句型,并适时让学生操练运用。                      设置场景让学生判 断,并推断出适当方 式,引入词汇,并进 行发散。                T: What can we do on Children’s Day? 2. Listening.  (1)T: The exchange students got some presents on Children’s Day. Look at the pictture, what are they? T: Listen to the tape and find out  which presents are for the exchange students and whose presents they are. Millie’s__________________ Daniel’s__________________ Kitty’s___________________ (2)Pair Work. A: Whose … is this/ that? B:It’s …  A: Whose … are these/ those? B: They are … 3. Try to read. 4. Summary.  5. Work in groups and make as many sentences as possible.  ▲ On ________ Day, we should buy presents for them.  ▲ On ________ Day, we should say “Thank you” to them.  ▲ ________ computer(s) is/ are broken. We should try to fix it. ▲ …… 5. Presentation.  1. T: Luozhixiang’s songs are popular. He is good at singing and  Ss: We can …      Ss: They are …        S1: Whose … is this/  that? S2:It’s …  S1: Whose … are  these/ those? S2: They are …    Ss: …  Tip:  mother teacher woman father a boy  Tom and Coco Luozhixiang
    标签:七年级英语 PPT 译林版七年级英语
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