
    课题:部编牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit7 Abilities获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江苏省

  • 所属栏目: 初中英语教学视频
  • 执教/时长:43:54
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    部编牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit7 Abilities获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江苏省
    Teaching aims: 1.Learn to use can, could and may correctly.  2. Learn to use what and how to express strong feelings.  Teaching difficulties: motivate students to join the discussion. Teaching procedures: Step1: Lead in   T: good morning. Have a free talk.  Do you know who is my best friend?  This is my best friend, a superman. Do you want to know about him?  Step2: presentation   Watch a video about superman.  T: what does he look like? --- very strong what a strong man he is!  Task1. A trip to superman’s small town.  First-gate(a picture on the gate---show strong feeling) what a strong man he is! Next-library( an interesting book—show strong feeling) what an interesting book it is! Then--garden(beautiful flowers--- ……….) what beautiful flowers they are! ……………………………………………………………………………….. Finally –his palace ( have a good time.)  Step3: practice!  Activity one—can you make sentence with ― what‖ to express you strong feeling. Activity two---can you find out the rules.  (1)What + ________________! (2)What+…………………….! (3)What+ …………………….!  Task2: We can use another form to express our strong feeling. Use ―how‖ to express strong feeling.   Activity one: express strong feeling by changing the sentence with ―how‖  Activity two: make sentences with ―how‖  Activity three: can you find out the rule. (1) how +………….!  Task 3: show you strong feeling in certain situations.  Task4: what can superman do? To finish the exercise. Task5: what can superman do? --- can see through walls  T: Use ―can‖ to talk about ―ability‖. superman can do so many things. We can also do many things. Model: What can you do? --- I can …….. Activity one: use ―can‖ to learn about students. Activity two: use ―can‖ to learn about teacher.   Model: Mr wu……not ……….but now he ………..   Activity three: talk with your partner about ― past and present‖ using ―can, could‖ . Activity four: find out the rules. Use ―can‖ to talk about ―present ability‖  ―could‖ to talk about ―past ability‖.  Task6: T: I forgot to take my book. Excuse me. Can I use you book? S: yes, you can   Activity one: use can to talk bout ―permission‖ Activity two: ―could and may‖ -----be more polite. Activity three: work out the rules about ― can, could, may‖ Activity four: make a short dialogue . (1) have a discussion.  (2)Make a conversation following the model.  (3) if they finish the task, put on the note on the blackboard. Which group is the first one!  Step4: homework.  • Praise(赞美) your parents by using ―what‖ and ―how‖. Tell me your parents’ feelings next time. • Make three short dialogues with ―can‖, ―could‖ and ―may‖.
    标签:七年级英语 PPT 译林版七年级英语
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