
    课题:部编牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit1 Friends Comic strip and Welcome to the unit获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江苏省

  • 所属栏目: 初中英语教学视频
  • 执教/时长:35:58
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    部编牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit1 Friends Comic strip and Welcome to the unit获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江苏省
    8AUnit1Friends教学设计  教学内容 8AUnit1Friends Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 教学对象 初二学生 教学项目  词语   honest, tidy , good-looking, trust ,keep a secret , care about    tell lies, have problems    Can I have something to drink? What about some milk?   Can I have some more food too? What makes good friends? 课文  dialogue  教学方法 Free talk, Presenttion, Practice, Consolidation. 教学目标  语言知识 To identify the new words and phrases;  语言技能 To describe the appearance and personality of a person with simple and proper words.  语言运用 To categorize adjectives to describe important qualities of a friend according to personal. 情感态度 To talk about friends happily.  学习策略  To know more about friendship and try to develop some good qualities.  教学重点 To describe the appearance and personality of a person with simple and proper words.  教学难点  To talk about the important qualities of a good friend with proper adjectives.  教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 教学目的    Step 1 Lead-in  1. The topic of the unit―friends 2. Free talk    1.play a period of song about friends.  2.T: Hello, boys and girls,  Q1:Do you have a friend?  Q2: Why do you like being friends with him/her?    1.Listen to the song 2.Answer the questions    从谈论身边的朋友引入课题,拉近与学生的心理距离,学生有了表达的欲望,也能用自己的语言初步描述朋友的性格。  Step 2 Presentation 1. Show pictures about the new words  2.Answer:  What qualities do they have?  3.Have a discussion Magazine Teenager good-looking Humorous Polite Honest  2.give some situations Dora often says hello to her teachers when she meets them on the way. We all think he is very_________.  Jimmy is our monitor and he never tells lies. We all think he is very ____________.  Tom is good at making jokes. He often makes us laugh. He is very__________.  Sara can work out the difficult problems quickly. We all think she is very ___________. 3.  1).Among Dora, Jimmy, Tom, Sara, who would you like to choose as  Learn some new words  2.find the qualities of the four  Discuss in pairs  通过语境学新词  设置语境,让学生学会使用关于品质的目标词汇。  让学生回答两个深层次的问题有助于学生进一步    4.Finish Part A What makes your friend so special?  Step3:  Watch and answer  your friend? Why? 2).What other qualities do you think your friend should have? Make up a sentence like this: e.g.My friend is so special because he/she is helpful. He/She is ready to help when I have problems. We also have a friend,Eddie.Who is Eddie’s good friend? Why do you think so? Let’s have a look. 1. How does Hobo feel? 2. Is there anything else in the fridge? 3. What else does Hobo want to eat? Further questions: (1)Will they share the pizza? Why or why not?  (Yes, they will. Because good friends always share. No,they won’t. Because Hobo already has a big cake.  (2)Do you think they are good friends?  (Yes, they often share things with each other.)   Finish partA  &make up new sentences Listen to the recording and answer the three questions. 思考选择真正的 朋友应具备的品格,增加了课堂的生活味。  让学生学会用My friend is so special because...这样的句型来描述自己朋友的特别之处。  用开放性的问题打开学生的思维,培养学生的思维能力。  Step 4 Practice 1. Read after the recording 2.Practice in pairs and try to act it out Repeatafter the recording and pay attention to your pronunciationand intonation Good students can add an ending to it. Choose some pairs to act it out. Read after the recording loudly  Practice in pairs loudly.  通过表演让学生加深对漫画内容的理解,通过增加结尾,让学生发挥自己的想象力,活跃课堂气氛,启发学生的创造性
    标签:八年级英语 PPT 译林版八年级英语
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