
    课题:部编牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit4 A good read.Reading I获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江苏省

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  • 执教/时长:44:28
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    部编牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit4 A good read.Reading I获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江苏省
    总 课 题 8B Unit 4 A good read  第 2 课时  课 题   Reading I  课型  New  教学目标  知识与能力:  1. To get some idea about Gulliver’s travel in Lilliput 2. To learn to describe Gulliver’s travel  3. To master the words and phrases in this text. 过程与方法:  To get the Ss to scanning and skimming the passage then complete some proper tasks.  情感态度与价值观:  To develop the Ss’ reading skills.  教学重点 To grasp the main idea of this article according to the key words and context.  To skim the text for overall meanings and scan for detai 教学难点 To grasp some basic skills of reading  To skim the text for overall meanings and scan for detai 课前预习 1Preview the new words.  2Listen to the tape and read the text  教学方法 Task-based approach,Scene pedagogy and Teaching with humor  教学用具  Recorder and multimedia  教 学 过 程  二次备课  Step 1. lead-in  T: What do you like doing in your spare time ? S: T: What kind of books do you like? why? S: T: Do you like fiction? S:  T: Have you read a book called Gulliver’s Travels,by Jonathan Swift? Today we will learn something about it. Step 2. Presentation  1.Present the new words and expressions by showing the pictures 2. Watch and predict  How did Gulliver feel after he found he was tied to the ground?  Step 3.Skimming  Skim the text and put the six pictures in the right order. Step 4. Scanning   I.Scan Para1-2 and then answer the following questions: 1. What did Gulliver do after their ship crashed against the rocks?    2       2. Why did Gulliver fall down on the beach? 3. Why couldn’t he move?  II. Read Para3 and find prepositions (介词) and adverbs (副词) III.Imagine :If you see such a small man, what will you say to it ? IV. Read Para 4-5 and complete the table  V. Imagine: If you are tiny men, what will you talk about ? VI. Listen and read after it  VII Imagine :Could Gulliver run away at last? If Gulliver could run away, how did he do it?  If Gulliver couldn’t run away, what would happen? Step 5. Post –reading What do you think of Gulliver ? Step 5. Homework.  1. Write a short passage about your idea.   (If Gulliver could run away, how could he do it?   If Gulliver couldn’t run away, What would happen next?) 2. Try to read the book of Gulliver’s Travels    板书设计  8B Unit 4 A good read Reading I   hitting something---crash against go on ---continue  very tired ---tired out very small---tiny  hold things together with ropes --- tie try and achieve ---succeed stomachs a large group --- a large army of
    标签:八年级英语 PPT 译林版八年级英语
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